Federal Election

On behalf of our supporters and members, Zero Covid Canada sent letters to the leaders of the five major national political parties in Canada asking for their stances on issues related to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The finalized version of that letter is available here and is also embedded below. A template that anyone can use to send their own version is available here.

So far, we have received responses from the Liberal Party of Canada, the Bloc Québécois, and the NDP. The Liberal response is available here and the Bloc response is available here in French and here in an English translation. The LPC and BQ responses are also embedded below. This page will be updated with any further responses received.

We have done an analysis of the available party platforms along with their responses which powers the graphic below. The up to date data is available here.

Based on our analysis of party platforms and responses, and the results of the 44th Canadian election, we call on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and NDP leader Jagmeet Singh to cooperate in parliament this fall on issues of great importance to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The election platforms of both parties contain many areas of common ground that would be of great benefit in the fight against this pandemic. We have sent a letter detailing these pledges and urging both leaders to act swiftly to turn campaign promises into policy. This letter will be embedded below. Send your own letter as well.

party responses.png

Common Ground Letter

Justin Trudeau and Jagmeet Singh Letter(1)-1.png
Justin Trudeau and Jagmeet Singh Letter(1)-2.png

 Zero Covid Canada Letter

FINAL Letter to Party Leaders-2.png
FINAL Letter to Party Leaders-3.png
FINAL Letter to Party Leaders-4.png

Liberal Response

Zero Covid Canada.docx (1)-5.png
Zero Covid Canada.docx (1)-7.png
Zero Covid Canada.docx (1)-4.png
Zero Covid Canada.docx (1)-6.png

 BQ Response


 NDP Response

NDP response - Zero Covid Canada-1.png
NDP response - Zero Covid Canada-2.png